4.Introduce based on BP network arm shelf structure and inherent characteristic construction of analysor.
5.Because of its inherent sociality, reciprocity and modulability, the social security forms a stable mechanism of modern society.
6.In addition,the inherent relation of the succesive torrential rain with low level jets and their ageostrophic winds is also analyzed.
7.A quadrupler frequency circuit is applied to take advantage of the inherent resolution of encoders, and improve the counting precision effectively.
8.Automatic frequency control (AFC) system is used to adjust the frequency of microwave power source to match the inherent frequency of acceleratory tube.
9.Automatic frequency control (AFC) system is used to adjust the frequency of microwave power source to match the inherent frequency of acceleratory tube.
10.The new MULTIWAVE 3000 is a microwave platform system with inherent flexibility for various sample preparation applications, designed to reduce the workload between samples and spectrometer.
11.Women, their inherent special charms are like the kinds of glasses in the cellaret, leading man to love, to see, to pursue;and man once getting into it can't easily abstain.