I made a definition for this word.
I made a definition for this word.
The book attempts a definition of his role in world politics.
They concentrated on better definition of the optical image.
A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.
Parallel lines are, by definition, lines on the same plane that never join.
按照定说, 平行线是在同一平面上永不相交的线。
The definition ,basic nature, important rule and histerieal significancy of continued fraction are introduced.
Objective: To determine the definition of overtension causing blast lung injury and explore its mechanism.
According to a strict definition, the expenses of a self-employed person can be deducted from tax.
Definition: Aniseed consists of the whole dry cremocarp of Pimpinella anisum L.
本品为伞形科植物茴芹Pimpinella anisum L.的干燥双旋果。
Definition: Christina Loosestrife is the dried herb of Lysimachia christinaie Hance (Fam.Primulaceae).
本品为报春花科植物过路黄Lysimachia christinae Hance的干燥全草。
Definition: Oleo-resin obtained from the trunk of Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms var. balsamum.
本品为自豆科植物秘鲁香脂树Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms var. balsamum.的树干获取的油树脂。
Definition: Dried ripe fruit of Serenoa repens (Bartram) Small. (Sabal serrulata (Michaux) Nichols).
本品为棕榈科植物锯齿棕Sabal serrulata (Michaux) Nichols的干燥成熟的果实。
Definition form Wikipedia: A degauss causes a magnetic field to oscillate rapidly, with decreasing amplitude.
Definition: Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome is the dried rhizome of Cyperus rotundus L. (Fam.Cyperaceae).
本品为莎草科植物莎草 Cyperus rotundus L. 的干燥根茎。
Definition: Black Sesame is the dried ripe seed of Sesamum indicum L. (Fam.Pedaliaceae).
本品为脂麻科植物脂麻 Sesamum indicum L. 的干燥成熟种子。
Definition: Rangooncreeper Fruit is the dried ripe fruit of Quisqualis indica L. (Fam.Combretaceae).
本品为使君子科植物使君子 Quisqualis indica L. 的干燥成熟果实。
Definition: Cascara consists of the dried, whole or fragmented bark of Rhamnus purshianus D.
本品为鼠李科植物珀希鼠李Rhamnus purshianus D.
The introduction is mainly about the definition of eponym, and emphasizing its development and synchrony with language.
Definition: Cowherb Seed is the dried ripe seed of Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke (Fam.Caryophyll-aceae).
本品为石竹科植物麦蓝菜 Vaccaria segetalis (Neck.) Garcke 的干燥成熟种子。
Definition: Pipewort Flower is the dried capitulum with peduncle of Eriocaulon buergerianum Koern. (Fam.Eriocaulaceae).
本品为谷精草科植物谷精草 Eriocaulon buergerianum Koern. 的干燥带花茎的头状花序。