现代城市如何在电影里"变身"复古街道 How City Streets Are Transformed To Look Old In Movies | Movies Insider


在现代城市的繁忙与喧嚣中,Rena DeAngelo带领观众穿越时光,将纽约的街道转变为1950年代的时光胶囊。作为一名奥斯卡提名的布景装饰师,她通过细致入微的道具和历史研究,赋予电影真实的时代感。每一个细节,从字体到招牌,都在她的巧手下焕发出旧时光的魅力。

This is Dumbo, Brooklyn, in the opening scene of "Bridge of Spies".

And this is what that same block actually looks like today.

To make this scene convincingly look like 1957, every detail in this street had to be changed, right down to the font on the signs.

This was all Rena DeAngelo's job, an Oscar-nominated set decorator who's worked on period pieces like "The French Dispatch", "West Side Story", "The Post", and "Mad Men".

Here's a newsstand that's in every movie.

Every single decorator in New York has probably used it about 10 times.

Rena took us through eclectic encore props in NYC to show us how she'd turn a modern New York City street into a 1950s time capsule.

When a location is scouted, the first order of business is hiding things that don't belong in the era.

That starts with taking down security cameras and swapping all the cars in the streets for vintage ones with period license plates.

One of the most important details to swap is any and all signage.
