2023 Last Lecture Series | Michael Klarman


Hello and welcome to the first lecture of our 2023 Last Lecture Series.

The Last Lecture Series is presented annually by the class marshals and it is an excellence tradition in which selected faculty members in participate advice and final words of wisdom as we graduate.

Today, we're truly honored to have Professor Michael Klarman to kick off this years edition.

I won't take so long reading his bio since I believe most of you already know him.

He has asked me to save as much time as possible for this lecture.

If you took classes for hit with him, you will know how precise he is with the time.

I will simply say that in addition to his many achievements and accomplishment and titles, I have heard in the hallways that he's the favorite professor of the LLM class.

If another professor asks, please don't quote me on that but as his 14th Amendment student last term, I totally support and second this video.

Today, the lecture will have two parts.

The first one focusing on civil rights lawyers as heroes and the second one focusing on the threat to American democracy.
