学习用英语描述日常活动 My daily routine in English


Hello everybody! It's Ariannita la Gringa and welcome back to my YouTube channel!

In today's video, I will teach all of you vocabulary related to daily routines so I will show you all of the activities I do in my everyday life and you might have the same activities!

As you just saw, I just woke up I'm still wearing my pajamas or my PJs and I normally start my morning around 8:00 AM and I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock.

I'm not a morning person so sometimes I will hit snooze on my alarm clock and that's the button that will postpone the alarm so I'll have an extra 5 minutes or 10 minutes to sleep in.

And then after I wake up, I will get out of bed so I will actually get up I will stretch (stretch my arms, stretch my legs) and then I will head straight to the bathroom where I wash my face and then I will brush my teeth.

Of course, every morning routine looks different so if you want to get out of bed and then hop right into the shower that's completely fine.

Now, I'll show you what my daily routine looks like, but now I have to take my dog on a walk.

Right now I'm outside and this is something I do every morning.

I take my dog, Ozuna, on a walk.

If you have a dog like I do, you should go outside every morning to take your dog on a walk that way your dog won't pee or poop inside your house.
