佐伊·索尔达娜2025奥斯卡最佳女配角获奖感言 Zoe Saldaña wins her first Academy Award for best supporting actress in 'Emilia Pérez'


And the Oscar goes to Zoe Saldana.

This is the first Oscar win and nomination for Zoe Saldana.

My mom is here my whole family's here.

I am floored by this honor.

Thank you to the Academy for recognizing the quiet heroism and the power in a woman like Rita.

And talking about powerful women, my fellow nominees, the love and community that you have offered me is a true gift and I will pay it forward.

Thank you so much.

Jaco Diard, you are forever a beloved character in my life.

Thank you for taking the interest.

Thank you for being so curious about these women to tell this story.
