Jump forward to the early 1940s, in the United States Program to try and eradicate yaws in Haiti, a disfiguring skin disease that mainly affects children.
A peculiar walk in this old man, a certain slight but painful appearing yawing in his gait, had at an early period of the voyage excited the curiosity of the mariners.
It's built to the exact specifications of the original Model B, as a two-seater with separate controls that allows the pilots to maneuver the plane's pitch, yaw, and roll.
它是按照原始模型 B 的确切规格建造的,作为一个带有独立控制装置的双座飞机,允许飞行员操纵飞机的俯仰、偏和滚。
So in this case, the vest is streaming nine different measures from this quadcopter, so pitch and yaw and roll and orientation and heading, and that improves this pilot's ability to fly it.
Soon the two ships diverged their wakes; and long as the strange vessel was in view, she was seen to yaw hither and thither at every dark spot, however small, on the sea.
Only about a thousand feet up now, the engine roaring and the great blades whirring uselessly as the tangle of metal pitched and yawed down the sky in long drunken staggers.
Running almost immediately at top speed out upon the barrial with the long whaang of the rifleshot rolling after them and caroming off the rocks and yawing back across the open country in the early morning solitude.