The Portugese wingback arrives from Roma to the Apulian team on loan.
Schalke 04 have signed Slovakian wingback Lubos Hanzel (22) on loan from Spartak Trnava on a six-month deal.
Mom and Dad sat together on the couch, and I sat, alone, in the stiff wingback chair.
妈妈和爸爸一起在沙发上, 我单在那张坚硬的靠背椅上。
When Alex glances up, she's in her room across the hall, perched on a pastel-pink wingback chair.
当亚历克斯抬起头时, 她正在走廊对面的房间里, 在一张淡色的靠背椅上。
An oversized cardigan, worn through and patched at the elbows, slung over an antique wingback chair near the window.
一件超大开衫, 肘部已经磨损并打了补丁,挂在靠近窗户的古董靠背椅上。
When we arrived at her house, Pam took our damp jackets, and I saw you sitting alone in a wingback chair at the far corner of the large room.
当我们到达她家时, 帕姆拿走了我们的湿外套,我看到你在宽敞房间远角的靠背椅上。
What was known as the Central Room, served as a parlor with antique wingback chairs being dwarfed by the scale of the architectural elements, such as the passageways seen at either end of the room.