The whitewater falls are the largest gap, the largest area and the most nimbi on china mainland.
There are three main events including Jested Mountian set up near beautiful forests, making it an unforgettable day whether you're exploring cultural sites or indulging in whitewater rafting through some very scenic rivers nearby.
共有三项主要活动, 包括美丽的森林附近举办的 Jested Mountian,无论您是探索文化遗址, 还是沉迷于
, 都将是难忘的一天。
Ice baths, infrared saunas, whitewater rafting, fly fishing, archery workshops, whiskey tastings, yoga at sunrise, shooting clay pigeons, go-kart races, mountain biking in Norway, Falconry in Ireland, climbing up a glacier in Alberta, singing kumbaya around a campfire.
冰浴、红外线桑拿、白水漂、飞钓、射箭工作坊、威士忌品鉴会、日出瑜伽、飞碟射击、卡丁车比赛、挪威的山地自行车、爱尔兰的猎鹰、攀登艾伯塔省的冰川、周围唱歌 kumbaya营火。