They headed to the Solomon Islands, and they perished with all hands on the westerly coast of the chief island in that group, between Cape Deception and Cape Satisfaction!
Although this is highly variable across the state, westerly winds bring in moisture to the state from the Pacific Ocean where they initially impact California's many high mountain ranges.
In Boston, for example, north-easterlies blowing into the city from industrial areas bring air carrying around five micrograms per cubic metre more PM2.5 than westerlies from upstate Massachusetts.
" Clear enough, " I answered, glancing at the sunshine which streamed down the open companion-way. " Fair westerly breeze, with a promise of stiffening, if Louis predicts correctly" .
They extend for about 500 kilometers across the whole island and carve out only a narrow strip of land to their west that is actually exposed to the prevailing westerly winds that blow across the Tasman Sea.
A hasty survey of the interior revealed no ammunition; but in one corner was a box in which were packed the Swede's personal belongings that he had sent along by his headman to this westerly camp.
Its chief fountains, ranged along the west side of the Merced group, at an elevation of about 10,000 feet, gave birth to fine tributaries that flowed in a westerly direction, and united in the center of the basin.