| 划词

The party was a total washout.



The game was a washout.




cuprodine, cuproferrite, cuprohemol, cuproine, cuprolead, cupromanganese, cupron, cupronickel, cupro-nickel, cuprophane, cuproplatinum, cuproscheelite, cuprosklodowskite, cuprosulfate, cuprotungstite, cuprouranite, cuprous, cuproxide, cuprozincite, cuprum, cupruresis, cups, cupscraper, cupseed, cup-shaped, cup-tie, cuptied, cupula, cupular, cupulate, cupule, cupulliferous, cupulolithiasis, cupulometry, cur, curability, curable, curacao, curacoa, curacy, curafume, curage, curagh, curameter, Curamil, curamycin, curangin, curara, curare, curari, curarimimetic, curarina, curarine, curarization, curarize, curassavicin, curassow, curate, curated, curation, curative, curator, curatorial, curatorship, curatory, curatrix, curb, curb market, curb service, curbed, curbie, curbing, curb-plate, curbside, curbstone, curch, curcin, curculio, curcuma, curcumen, curcumenol, curcumin, curcumone, Curcurbitaceae, curd, curding, curdle, Curdled, curdling, curdmeter, curds, curdy, cure, cure-all, cureau, cured, cureless, curer, cures, curet, curettage, curette, curettement, curettes, curfew, curfewed, curfews, curia, curiae, curiage, curial, Curie, Curie point, Curie temperature, Curie-equivalent, curiegram, curie-hour, curiescopy, curietherapy, curietron, curine, curing, curingprocess, curio, curio hunter, curios, curiosa, curiosity, curioso, curious, curiously, curiousness, Curitan, curite, Curitiba, curium, curl, curlating, curlator, curled, curled up, curler, curlew, curlicue, curlily, curliness, curling, curling iron, curlpaper, curly, curlycue, curlylocks, curlypate, Curme, curmudgeon, curmudgeonly, curn, curoid, curometer, curr, currach, curragh, currajong, currant, currawong, currejong, currency, currencyexchange, current, current account, current assets, current-collector, current-conducting, current-controlled, currentless, currentlimiter, currently, current-meter, currents, currenttelemeter, currentvoltage, Currer, curricle, curricula, curricular, curriculum, curriculum vitae, currie, curried, currier, curriery, currijong, curring, currish, curry, curry favor, curry powder, curry sauce, currycomb, currying, curse, cursed, cursely, curses, cursillo, cursing, cursive, cursive script, cursor, cursorial, cursorily, cursoriness, cursors, cursory, curst, curt, curtage, curtail, curtailment, curtain, curtain call, curtain lecture, curtain off, curtain raiser, curtain ring, curtainfall, curtaining, curtain-raiser, curtains, curtain-up, curtal, curtana, curtate, curtesy, curtilage, Curtin, Curtis, curtisite, Curtiss, curtle, curtly, curtness, curtometer, curtsey, curtsy, curule, curunde, curvaceous, curvature, curve, curve ball, curved, curved glass, curvefitting, curve-fitting, curvembryonic, curvemeter, curves, curvesome, curvet, curvette, curvi-, curvic, curvicaudate, curvicostate, curvidentate, curvifoliate, curviform, curvilineal, curvilinear, curvilineartransformation, curvimeter, curvimurate, curvinerved, curving, curvirostral, curviserial, curvometer, curvous, curvularin, curvulate, curvy, curythermal, curzerene, curzerenone, Cusco, cuscohygfine, cuscus, c-use, cusec, Cu-SeeMe, cush, cushat, cushaw, cushily, Cushing, cushion, cushioncraft, cushionedseat, cushioning, cushions, cushiony, Cushitic, cushy, cusiloy, cusir, cusk, cuskhygrine, CUSO, cusp, cuspad, cuspate, cusped, cuspid, cuspidal, cuspidate, cuspidated, cuspidation, cuspidine, cuspidite, cuspidor, cuspids, cusps, cuspy, cuss, cussed, cusso, cussword, custard, Custard apple, custard-pie, custer, custodes, custodia, custodial, custodian, custodianship, custody, custom, custom house, custom made, customable, customarily, customary, customation, custom-built, customer, customerclassification, customer-oriented, customhouse, customise, customization, customize, customizing, custom-made, customs, customs duty, customs house, customs union, customshouse, customspass, customsplant, custom-tailor, custos, custosrotulorum, custumal, cut, cut across, cut across sth, cut and thrust, cut away, cut back, cut corners, cut down, cut glass, cut in, cut off, cut out, cut out for, cut short, cut sth down, cut throat, cut through, cut up, cutability, cutan, cut-and-come-again, cut-and-cover, cut-and-dried, cut-and-dry, cut-and-strip, cut-and-trial, cut-and-try, cutaneomucosal, cutaneous, cutaneous sensation, cutanit, cutaway, cutback, cut-back, cutbacks, cutbank, cut-bank, cutch, cutcha, cutcherry, cutchery, cut-cuticle, cutdown, cute, CuteFTP, CuteHTML, cutellus, cutely, cuteness, cutensil, cuter, cuterebrid, cutesy, cutey, CuteZIP, cut-fill, cutfit, Cuthbert, cutheparine, cuthole, cuticle, cuticles, cuticolor, cuticula, cuticular, cuticularization, cuticulin, cutie, cutification, cutify, cutin, cut-in, cutinite, cutinization, cutinize, cutinized, cutireaction, cutis, cutisector, cutitis, cutization, cutlas, cutlass, cutler, Cutleriales, cutlery, cutlet, cutlift, cutline, cutmixer, cutoff, cut-off, cut-off-die, cutout, cut-out, cutover, cut-over, cutpoint, cut-price, cutpurse, cutrake, cut-rate, cutset, cut-set, cut-short, cut-spike, cuttable, cuttage, cutter, cutter-and-cleaner, cutterbar, cutterblock, cutter-creaser, cutterhead, cutterlifter, cutter-lifter, cutter-loader, cutter-rower, cutters, cutterwindrower, cutthroat, cut-throat, cuttie, cutting, cutting angle, cutting bit, cutting board, cutting edge, cutting off, cutting room, cutting tool, cutting-blank, cutting-in, cutting-out, cuttings, cutting-tool, cutting-up, cuttle, cuttle fish, cuttlebone, cuttle-bone, cuttlefish, cuttlefishes, cuttler, cuttling, cuttloefish, cut-to-length, cutty, cuttyhunk, cutup, cutwater, cutwork, cutworm, cuvee, cuvette, cuvettes, Cuvier, Cuvierian, Cuyo, Cuzco, cuzinal, cv, CVC, CVCF, CVD, CVDS, CVI, CVO, CVOM, CVP, CVR, CVT, CW, CWA, CWAR, C-washer, CWB, CWC, CWD, CWDM, CWE, C-wire, CWIS, CWISs, cwm, CWO, CWP, CWPS, CWR, CWS, cwt, CWTS, CX, CXL, CXX, cy, cyacetacide, cyacrin, cyaline, cyamelide, cyamium, cyan, cyanacezidum, cyanalcohol, cyanaldehyde, cyanamid, cyanamide, cyanate, cyanation, cyanein, cyanellae, cyanelle, cyanemia, cyaneous, cyanephidrosis, cyanescent, cyanformic, cyanhematin, cyanhidrosis, cyanhydrin, cyanic, cyanic acid, cyanicide, cyanidation, cyanide, cyanided steel, cyanidenon, cyanides, cyanidin, cyaniding, cyanidum, cyanilide, cyanin, cyanine, cyanite, cyanize, cyanmethemoglobin, cyanmetmyoglobin, cyano, cyano-, cyanoacetamide, cyanoacetylene, cyanoacrylate, cyanoaethydraide, cyanobacteria, cyanobacterium, cyanobenzene, cyanobenzyl, cyanocarbon, cyanochroia, cyanochroite, cyanochrous, cyanocobalamin, cyanocrystallin, cyanocytochromeoxidase, cyanoderma, cyanoethylate, cyanoethylation, cyanoethylene, cyanofenphos, cyanoform, cyanoformate, Cyanogas, cyanogen, cyanogenation, cyanogenesis, cyanogenetic, cyanogenic, cyano-group, cyanoguanidine, cyanohydrin, cyanol, cyanolabe, cyanolophia, cyanomaclurin, cyanome, cyanometer, cyanomethemoglobin, cyanomethylation, cyanometry, cyanomycin, cyanomycosis, cyanonitride, cyanonitroacetamide,


3G, 401(K), a,


CNN 听力 2022年4月合集

We know that those are jobs being added back after a huge washout at the beginning of the pandemic.



Railway stations were good, especially if they had arcades for shelter when it rained, though a rainy day was a washout, generally.



I hope your trip wasn't a washout like mine.



My own friends, those of my generation, I mean, think Larry's a washout.

我自己的朋友, 我的意思是, 我那一代的朋友认为拉里是一个淘汰赛。

2008 ESLPod

If you say something is a " washout" (one word), you mean it's a disaster – it's a waste of time, it wasn't worth doing.

如果你说某件事是“淘汰” (一个词), 你的意思是它是一场灾难——这是浪费时间, 不值得做。



cystoptosis, cystopyelitis, cystopyelography, cystopyelonephritis, cystopyic, cystoradiography, cystorectostomy, cystorrhagia, cystorrhaphy, cystorrhea,


3G, 401(K), a,
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