Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure.
From an armchair in the office of his Tarrytown estate he directed against the enormous hypothetical enemy, unrighteousness, a campaign which went on through fifteen years, during which he displayed himself a rabid monomaniac, an unqualified nuisance, and an intolerable bore.
" If I went to him, " suggested Anthony, " and said with appropriate biblical quotations that I'd walked too long in the way of unrighteousness and at last seen the light—" He broke off and glanced with a whimsical expression at his wife.
安东尼建议道, “并用适当圣引语说我不义道路上走了太久, 终于看到了光明——” 他停下来,异想天开地瞥了他妻子一眼.