Unhappily, he never saw that girl again.
After all that excitement the day was bound to end unhappily.
He walked unhappily towards the house.
He was born in Mississippi in 1911 and grew up unhappily in St. Louis Missouri.
他于1911年出生于密西西比州 在密苏里州的圣路易斯长大 成长过程很不幸。
" Lannisters on the Trident, " said Ser Wendel unhappily. " My brother is taken again" .
" 兰尼斯特军追到三叉戟河," 文德尔爵士闷闷不乐地说," 将我哥哥再度俘虏。"
" As you say, " she answered, unhappily.
" 是。" 她不快地答应。
" We lack the strength, " Robb said, though unhappily.
" 我们兵力不够。" 罗柏怏怏地说。
" Yes, Your Grace, " he said unhappily.
" 是,陛下。" 他怏怏不快地道。
He sighed unhappily, and began reading the book again.
" Oh, Riley's so hard on herself, " Sadness said unhappily.
He glanced unhappily at one of the pictures on the wall.
'The hairbrush is lost in it somewhere, ' the Queen said unhappily.
Unhappily, though, much of the raucousness that dogged him came from Jews themselves.
" Have either of you ever seen anything in a crystal ball? " he asked them unhappily.
“你们两人有谁在水晶球里看到过什么东西吗? ”他怏快不乐地问。
'If all the things have fallen out, ' he went on unhappily, 'there's no use keeping the box.'
" Let him sleepit off." The two guards stared at her unhappily.
" Aye, " said Ser Archibald unhappily. " It was Pentos. They made marks on a paper, the two of them" .
" 没错," 阿奇巴德爵士不情不愿地说," 是潘托斯。他们在纸上签了协议,两人签了。"
" I did not believe — I could not believe that he would really be present, " answered Melanie unhappily.
我想他不可能真来参加," 媚兰不高兴地回答说。"
Unhappily for his master, as well as himself, his curiosity drew him unconsciously farther off than he intended to go.
Even the sour, old Pope Innocent X began to sweeten on Bernini, as Borromini skulked unhappily through the Vatican corridors.
The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily.
好的结局幸福, 坏的结局不幸。
" We were pretty good friends once, " he said unhappily.
Unhappily, sometimes the doctor discovers that you do have cancer.