Pseudomembranous trigonitis usually inoles trigone and bladder neck.It may represent a normal histologic ariant and is not associated with increased risk for carcinoma.
Method A new procedure low sigmental-cystectmy which includes resection of the trigone of bladder, prostate, vesicula seminalis, extremity of ureter, was performed on 8 patients aged 28 to 57 years.
The trigone region is very sensitive to expansion and once it stretches to a certain point, the bladder sends a signal to the brain - that it's time to pee.
The oral surfaces covered by non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium include the buccal mucosa, the floor of the mouth, the lateral and ventral (or bottom) surfaces of the tongue, the soft palate, and the retromolar trigone.
The floor of the bladder has a smooth triangular region called the trigone region - with two corners at the ureterovesical junctions and the third corner being the internal urethral orifice, where the bladder meets the urethra.