Beautiful mountains and rivers-land, fecund land, cornucopian resource, all without exception shows the development potential with tremendous post-horse.
Development of a commonly accepted descriptive nosology for psychiatric disorders worldwide has been a tremendous benefit for patients and for research.
Electronic commerce has been attended by its low cost and hyperspatial fashion of operation,so as the benefits and chances it creates will be tremendous.
Visitors and performance troupes especially circuses and clowns at Rimini had tremendous impact on Fellini and he used to believe that clownage would be his career.
Once encounter a very tremendous voltage, the resistor in alloter people the effect that had a fuse, and they can reduce you use in the voltage on analyzer.
"If there was a suitable platelet substitute that would be a tremendous achievement for clinical medicine" says hematologist Marcel Levi of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.
A tremendous achievement of the May 4th Movement was its public exposure of the ugliness of old stereotype and the old dogman and its call to the people to rise against them.