Big transcontinental enterprises jostle with one another for world markets.
Blacks would remain free but they would definitely be second class citizens thanks to the Homestead Act in the new transcontinental rail roads and another round of ethnic cleansing against Indians, the wide open spaces were filling up.
When the Union Pacific, heading west, and the Central Pacific, heading east, met in Utah in 1869, setting off a frenzy of urbanisation and transcontinental commerce, poets including Walt Whitman were caught up in the national mood of celebration.
当向西的太平洋联盟和向东的中央太平洋在犹他州相遇时, 1869 年,掀起了城市化和跨大陆商业的狂潮, 包括沃尔特·惠特曼在内的诗人都沉浸在举国欢庆的气氛中。