Results The tes ticles of 5 cases with short time or incomplete torsion were salvaged by operati ve detorsion.
This reinforced structure helps your bone resist torsion stress, which is like twisting of your bones, which they experience a lot, and I encourage you not to imagine what a torsion fracture of one of your bones might feel like.
Jennifer Lahl, former nurse and outspoken critic of surrogacy, says the documented risks include loss of fertility, ovarian torsion, blood clots, kidney disease, premature menopause, ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic pain, stroke, reproductive cancers and, in some cases, death.
前护士和代孕直言不讳的批评者詹妮弗拉尔说,记录在案的风险包括生育能力丧失、巢扭转、 血栓、 肾脏疾病、过早绝经、
巢囊肿、慢性盆腔疼痛、 中风、 生殖系统癌症,在某些情况下, 还有死亡.