The tomes they refer to may be becoming decorative, too.
First published in 1984, it is a management tome dressed up in the clothes of a thriller.
The rest of his long-awaited tome bears this out.
He wrote the foreword for this tome full of 12th century artifacts.
" And just look at these books! " said Hermione excitedly, running a finger along the spines of the large leather-bound tomes.
The files disappear from the device when they are due (which means no late fees, nor angst about lost or damaged tomes).
Few others, he complained in a tome written in 46bc, used the language properly any more.
Those hard-fought protections, say workers, are enshrined in a massive tome known as the French labor code.
I poured over ancient tomes, dissecting the wisdom of generations past.
If historic tomes had a voice, it would sound as one long moan of anguish.
如果历史典籍有声音, 那听起来应该是痛苦的长吟。
While rapidly making these comments my uncle kept opening and shutting the old tome.
舅舅一边快速说出些话, 一边不停地打开和合上旧书。
10 hour tome of work that we filmed it from.
我们从中拍摄了 10 小时的作品。
The centerpiece of this tome was King Arthur.
Next came a series of riddles, nestled within the pages of an ancient tome.
The concentration required to process every word can be pretty exhausting, too, especially if your chosen tome is dense.
处理每个单词所需的注力也可能会让人精疲力尽, 尤其是当你选择的书很厚的时候。
The tome lay effect of depreciation on trade balance improvements is described.
短期内,本币贬值很可能使贸易平衡继续恶化,出口供应和进口需求调整后,贸易平衡将缓慢开始改善。描述了贬值对贸易平衡改善的影响。Foreiyn Exchange 外汇。
The Lords consulted the Book of Death and Life — a tome which showed the time of every living soul's death.
It contains every possible variation of text, so there are some profound books, but also countless tomes of complete gibberish.
它包含了所有可能的文本变体, 因此有一些深奥的书籍,但也有无数完全胡言乱语的大部头。
Thus it was arranged; but the researches among the tomes were not prolonged to the extent that Louis had suggested.
Bookshops are stuffed with management tomes on how to be a good leader, inspire others, survive office politics, navigate cultural differences and win negotiations.