The system is working tolerably well.
I feel tolerably well today.
Oh, professor, what are you feeding me? the Canadian answered in a tolerably skeptical tone.
Seriously, however, she felt tolerably persuaded that all this must have taken place with that gentleman's concurrence.
It was, therefore, tolerably well exercised, and tolerably well disciplined.
因此,它得到了很好的锻炼, 并且受到了很好的训练。
This M. d'Asterac seems to be tolerably magnificent.
这位 M. d'Asterac 似乎得去。
'She's kept tolerably well under, ain't she?
I now found Myself in a Vault tolerably spacious.
My right arm was tolerably restored; disfigured, but fairly serviceable.
我的右臂恢复得可以。 毁容,相当有用。
Of this preparation a tolerably abundant plateful was apportioned to each pupil.
Tolerably, for I had gone up the staircase in the dark, many a time.
My uncle was tolerably well off for a German professor.
对德国教授来说, 我叔叔的收入可以。
My horses understand me tolerably well; I converse with them at least four hours every day.
Under the government even of the Portuguese, however, those islands are said to have been tolerably well inhabited.
然而,即使在葡萄牙人的统治下, 这些岛屿据说也有人居住。
H'm—you see, my dear Mrs. Hedda—to get into the ministry, he would have to be a tolerably rich man.
'It's tolerably clear to me, ' said Bounderby, 'that the little puss can get small good out of such companionship'.
I had ceased to be a writer of tolerably poor tales and essays, and had become a tolerably good Surveyor of the Customs.
A member of the legislature, if tolerably observant, begins to see things with new eyes, even though his views undergo no change.
立法机关的成员, 如果观察力得去, 就会开始以新的眼光看待事物, 即使他的观点没有改变。
We have therefore to consider acquaintance with other things besides sense-data if we are to obtain any tolerably adequate analysis of our knowledge.
。 因此,如果我们要对我们的知识进行足够充分的分析, 我们就必须考虑对感觉材料以外的其他事物的了解。
In the lower and middle zones, where they all meet, they are tolerably harmonious-a happy family, though very amusing skirmishes may occasionally be witnessed.
在他们相遇的下层和中层区域, 他们和谐——个幸福的家庭, 尽管偶尔会发生非常有趣的小冲突。
Once in your own room, I'll not come near you: you needn't fear. By chance you've managed tolerably. I'll look to the rest'.
'However' added He smiling, 'I think that these lines do you no discredit. Your versification is tolerably easy, and your ear seems to be just.