She knocked timidly on the study door and entered.
Only let me take care that I act worthily toward this promise.Let me not go timidly, halfheartedly, carelessly, presumptuously.
Fei Little Beard squeezed in crabwise, closed the door quietly and tiptoed across to the desk where Wu Sun-fu was sitting."Yes, there's some," he muttered timidly, looking down at the floor.
" But, Professor, who's insulting you? " asked Parvati timidly.
" Mr. Dumbledore" said Hermione rather timidly. " Is that your sister? Ariana? "
邓 不利多先生," 赫敏小心翼翼地说," 那是你的妹妹吗?阿瑞娜?"
Louis walked up timidly, then reached down and untied Sam's shoelace.
" What was that? " she asked timidly.
'Harry, ' she said timidly, 'don't you see?
" 哈利," 她战战兢兢地说," 你不明白吗?
" And the others? " I asked timidly. " What are they? "
" Petunia, dear? " , said Uncle Vernon timidly, " P-Petunia? "
The poor fish hawk, with a loud cry, timidly flies away.
" My lord, " Pod said, a little timidly, " there's no litter" .
" 大人," 波德有点害羞地说," 队伍里没有轿子。"
" Mr. Wildeve, " said Christian timidly, as he turned to leave the room.
" Claire likes it, " the mother said it timidly, drawing them into another silence.
Passepartout went timidly ashore on this so curious territory of the Sons of the Sun.
" My c-a-p, " timidly said the " new fellow, " casting troubled looks round him.
" 我的… … 帽… … 帽子。" 新生心神不定,眼睛左右张望,胆小怕事地说。
" Captain, is all well" ? they asked timidly, but he answered with a hollow moan.
" 长,没事吧?" 他们怯生生地问,胡克沉闷地叹口气作为回答。
When I timidly asked her if I should maybe talk about it with our school nurse.
" You didn't bring your crossbow the day you showed us the Thestrals, " said Hermione timidly.
And even though Spain is timidly emerging from double-dip recession, scavenging and begging are on the rise.
I timidly waved back that day, I felt like you can do it, janis, just do it.
那天我也怯场地挥挥手 我觉得你能行 珍妮丝 就去做吧。
" And, George, " she said timidly, " you are as full of remorse as ever, aren't you" ?
" 乔治," 达林夫人小心翼翼地说," 你还是满心悔恨,是不是?"
Tabby asked—rather timidly for my normally outspoken wife—if I thought the book would find a paperback publisher.