She finished by tartly pointing out that he owed her some money.
" That explains a great deal, " said Professor McGonagall tartly.
" Yes, Potter, away! " said Professor McGonagall tartly.
" Because detentions do not appear to have any effect on you whatsoever! " said Professor McGonagall tartly.
" Of course she isn't! " said Hermione tartly.
" They don't exist, Neville, " said Hermione tartly.
" Well, Miss, " said Honey tartly, her voice rising, " you must be blind" .
" 唔,姐," 霍地,同时提高声音," 你准是瞎了眼啦!" " 霍,声点," 萨莉。
" Then you can hardly complain that you get no warning of visitors, " said Ogden tartly.
" Percy takes the Daily Prophet seriously, " said Hermione tartly, and the others all nodded.
" Tink can't go a twentieth part of the way round, " she reminded him a little tartly.
" 叮叮连二十分之一都做不来。" 她有点儿刻薄地提醒彼得。
" It's quite ungallant of you not to think that I might get hurt too, " she said tartly.
" 你一点不考虑我也可能出事,这未免太不仗义了吧," 她溜溜地。
" Pride! Pride tastes awfully good, especially when the crust is flaky and you put meringue on it, " said Scarlett tartly.
" 自尊心!我看自尊心的味道好得很,尤其在外皮容易剥落时放点蛋白糖霜,味道就更好了," 思嘉刻地。
'Do I look like Press'? Grant said tartly.
“我看起来像新闻” 吗?格兰特刻薄地。
" How should I know" ? returned Elvira, somewhat tartly.
“我怎么知道”? Elvira 有点刻地回答。
'Come, sir, ' said Mr. Grimwig, tartly; 'suppress your feelings.
“来吧,先生,” 格林威格先生刻地。 '压抑你的感情。
" I don't know how you can say that, " Mrs. Bradley answered tartly.
“我不知道你怎么能这么, ” 布拉德利夫人刻地回答。
'So are half the residents of Salcott St Mary, ' Emma reminded her tartly.
I wish you had gone over, I replied, somewhat tartly. You'd have seen that every one of your suppositions was wrong.
" I'm quite all right, " she said tartly. " There's no need to blow my hair out of place" .
" 我已经好好的了," 她用严厉的口气," 用不着这样扇,把我的头发扇乱了!"
" I do know enough Latin to understand a hackneyed quotation, Elliott, " I said tartly.
" Seeing that I don't know what it's all about, I couldn't guess, " she said tartly.