| 划词
2011 ESLPod

Those are three television shows that have, we would say, " been in syndication."

那是三个电视节目, 我们会说,“已经在联合组织中。

2016 English Cafe

That's because the show continues to be shown in what we would call " syndication."

那是因为该节目继续以我们所谓的“” 的形式放映。

2015 English Cafe

Louisa (Louisa) from Canada wants to know the difference between two words: " rerun" and " syndication."

来自拿大的路易莎(Louisa)想“rerun” “syndication” 这两个词的区别。

2015 English Cafe

Well, sometimes you can have shows that are " syndicated" – that are " in syndication" – that are being shown for the first time.


GQ — 明星们的代表

Doogie Howser ran for four seasons, which isn't a ton, but it was on TV at a time when syndication then started happening when you ran four seasons.

杜吉·豪瑟 (Doogie Howser) 跑了四个赛季,这不是一吨,但它出现在电视上的时候,当您跑了四个赛季时,开始发生。

2016 English Cafe

Well, Gilligan's Island continued to be shown " in syndication" – that is to say, as a rerun – for many years after the show was cancelled in 1967.

吉利根岛继续“联合播出” ——也就是说, 好吧,在 1967 年该节目被取消后的很多年里,作为重播。

2016 English Cafe

Even though it was only on for three years, it became one of the more popular shows in syndication in the '70s and '80s when I was growing up.

尽管它只播出了三年,但在我成长的过程中, 它成为了 70 年代 80 年代最受欢迎的联合节目之一。

2005 ESLPod

Primetime begins at 8: 00 PM on the coasts in the United States, but there are plenty of reruns and shows in syndication between the time I get home from work at five and eight o'clock.

美国海岸的黄金时段从晚上 8: 00 开始,但在我 5 点到 8 点下班回家之间有很多重播联合放映。

BBC 听力 2012年9月合集

He's not requesting the magazines already on the shelves be withdrawn, but for the printing of last Friday's edition to stop now, together with a ban on the further syndication of the photos by the Mondadori group here in France.



I don't know about six but yeah, I think four or five I'd be very happy, yeah. - So you're back in the old days where we'd say five syndication. There's no syndication. - No, no, no.

我不六季可不可行,不过我想,拍四到五季我会很开心。- 所以你又回到了过去,我们会说五次剧集联卖。现在没有这种事了。- 不,不,不。

2005 ESLPod

And I said that even before that, there are plenty of " reruns and shows in syndication." A " rerun, " all one word, (rerun) is a program – a television program that has been on before but now it's being shown again.

我说过,即使在那之前,也有很多“重播联合放映” 。 “重播”,一个词,(重播)是一个节目——以前播出过但现在再次播出的电视节目.



at the weekend, at the word of command, at the worst, at this time of year, at times, at variance, at war, at weekends, at will, at work,


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