So was I once myself a swinger of birches.
Moreover, proteins are (if I may be permitted to use a handy archaism) the swingers of the biological world.
Over time, I got to be a pretty good swinger of the hammer.
时间后 我拿铁捶东敲西打很拿手。
913.Now I'm a king of the swingers, oh.
现在, 我是流行天王。
Weren't you at that swingers party in Lake Lucille last year?
I was writing a book, and I did some research and boy, I found out she was quite the swinger.
Yeah, you probably dig that band that played in Swingers, that 90s film Mmm-nnn, I like Dooky Buttons Uh, in 15 seconds I'm gonna try to choke you.
是的,可能喜欢那个在 Swingers 中演奏的乐队,那部 90 年代的电影嗯嗯, 我喜欢 Dooky Buttons 呃, 15 秒后我要掐死。
If the ball, if he's going to ball an outswinger, the bat is going to be in my left hand, if he's bowling in swinger, the bat is in my right hand at the non-striker's end.
如果球,如果他要给外线球员打球,球棒将在我的左手, 如果他在摇摆人中打保龄球, 则球棒在我的右手非前锋端。