A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel.
Two swarthy outsiders with exotic names.
And he has everything, charisma, swarthy good looks, money, status and enemies.
他拥有了世上一切,他魅力足、 黝黑俊俏、财、,当然,还有敌人。
He had a swarthy, clever face, a pointed beard and, Harry noticed, very long fingers and feet.
Scarlett felt that she would strangle at the expression on Captain Butler's swarthy piratical face.
She saw his swarthy face change suddenly, anger and something she could not analyze making it twitch as though stung.
啊,上帝,我但愿这是其他什么人而不是你孩子呢!" 她发现他那黝黑面容突然变了,仿佛某种无法理解情感,连同愤怒一起,使它一阵痉挛,像被什么刺痛了似。
Behind the swarthy Mountain the sun had gone down in waveless gold.
在黝黑山后, 太阳已经落下了无波金色。
All right? Two swarthy outsiders with exotic names.
好吧 两个有着怪异名字深皮肤外人。
He was tall, slim, rather swarthy, with large saucy eyes.
He was of medium height, swarthy of complexion, and possibly about fifty years of age.
他中等身材, 皮肤黝黑,大概五右。
In the summer, their swarthy bodies nearly swelled because of the swelter.
For when she thought of Rhett, with his swarthy face, flashing teeth and dark alert eyes, a trembling came over her.
The face was saturnine and swarthy, and the sensual lips seemed to be twisted with disdain.
He was a broadshouldered loose-limbed swarthy fellow of great strength, never in a hurry, and always slouching.
A man with a harsh face and a swarthy skin came into view carrying a double-bitted axe.
For the rest, he was as swarthy as a mulatto, and, notwithstanding his lameness, as agile as a cat.
But there came another-a tall, broad-shouldered man in khaki at the head of a swarthy crew of ebon warriors.
She thought of Rhett, a flash of white teeth against swarthy skin, sardonic black eyes caressing her.
His face was swarthy, almost Oriental, with large, dark, languorous eyes which might easily hold an irresistible fascination for women.
他脸色黝黑, 几乎是东方人, 一双乌黑大眼睛无精打采, 很容易对女人产生无法抗拒魅力。
As he gazed upon the silent blockhouse, the moon fell upon his swarthy countenance, and betrayed its surprise and curiosity.
当他凝视着寂静碉堡时, 月亮落在他黝黑脸上, 流露出惊讶和好奇。
And there is still the swarthy whiteness, —we shall venture to marry these ill-agreeing words, —the swarthy whiteness of Judge Pyncheon's face.
还有黝黑白色, -我们将冒险嫁给这些不一致词, -Pyncheon 法官脸上黝黑白色。