Many people find telephone conversations more convenient than personal interviews, and it is every day displacing the stenographer and the traveling salesman.
T. A. Buck's eyes had followed the sheaf of signed correspondence, and the well-filled pad of more recent dictation which the sleek little stenographer had carried away with her.
T. A. Buck 的目光一直注视着一叠签名的信件,以及这位圆滑的小记随身带走的装满了最近口述的便笺簿。
Are you going to be a farmer, a mail carrier, a chemist, a forest ranger, a stenographer, a horse dealer, a college professor, or are you going to run a hamburger stand ?
Unless you're a stenographer -- that's a person who works in court and writes down every word that the people in the courtroom are saying, lawyers, judges, defendants, etc., witnesses -- you cannot write every word.
The vocational counselor who advised this girl with a large vocabulary to become an author succeeded in doing only one thing: he turned an erstwhile happy stenographer into a frustrated, would-be novelist.