The stagecoach finally arrived at Gameland at sunrise.
In July, the brothers climbed aboard a stagecoach for the three-week journey from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Carson City, Nevada. Sam wrote that they were leaving the States and " all sorts of cares and responsibilities" behind them.
7 月,兄弟俩登上一辆驿马车,开始从密苏里州圣约瑟夫到内华达州卡森城的为期三周的旅程。山姆写道,他们将把美国和“各种关心和责任”抛在身后。
It required twenty-five days for a passenger to make the overland journey to California by the stagecoach system, established in 1858, and more than ten days for the swift pony express, organized in 1860, to carry a letter to San Francisco.
乘坐 1858 年建立的驿马车系统,一名乘客需要 25 天的陆路旅程才能到达加利福尼亚,而 1860 年组织的快马快车则需要 10 多天才能将一封信送到旧金山。