Solicitors for the squire handled the sale of his extensive lands.
All bumbling conjurers, clumsy squires, no-talent bards, and cowardly thieves in the land will be pre-emotively put to death.
And that lad he was a squire until a few months ago.
" Must I go too" ? asked the boy, Rollam. " I'm your squire" .
" 我也得去吗?" 男孩洛拉姆问," 我是您的侍从呀。"
" Your Grace, " announced the squire Devan, " I've brought Lord Snow" .
" 陛下。" 侍从戴冯高声禀报," 我为您带来了雪诺大人。"
I blamed a squire. Poor boy was flogged and I escaped justice.
我归咎于一侍从. 那可怜孩子挨了鞭打而我了惩罚.
This word comes from the Middle Ages where the squire would assist the knight.
You give it to me, I'll have a squire bring it to her.
" I want to come too. I'm a squire. I can fight" .
" 我也要进去。我是侍从。我可以战斗。"
Heroes and heroines were often virtuous working-class types. And the villains were squires and landlord's.
男女主角通常是善良的工人级 而恶棍都是乡绅和地主。
Robb laughed. " But I'm not in need of squiring just now" .
" 但我暂时不需要侍奉。"
The squire's always trying out different things in order to see what he is good at.
The squire shrugged. " Nor me, but you won't stop it. Only waste a good arrow" .
科林坐在鞍上,长时间观察老鹰。" 我们继续," 最后他说。于是游骑兵们继续下坡。
Lady Luxellian was only a squire's daughter.
" My squire. Lad, this is Franklyn Flowers" .
" 我的侍从。孩子,这位是福兰克林·佛花。"
Squire says: (Putting on his spectacles very deliberately.) Pray, gentlemen, keep your seats, I have not done yet.
He was a squire until a few months ago.
他之前一直是侍从 数月前才受封。
When confronted with my crime, I blamed a squire.
当罪行败露后 我推给了一侍从。
Are you getting a bit old to be a squire?
He encouraged the villagers on his estates to refer to the young girl by the male title " squire" .
" You fellers shet up, " the squire said.
“你们这些家伙躲起来了, ” 乡绅说。
Your cousin and the king's squire.
您的堂弟 国王的侍从。