A process called spoofing and with neighbor spoofing the number on your caller ID is meant to look almost identical to yours to increase the likelihood that you pick up.
Navinder Singh Sarao appeared in court to fight his extradition to America, where he is accused, among other things, of spoofing the futures market by placing phoney orders.
A synthetic and not especially sophisticated spoof of an apparent explosion at the Pentagon sent the stock market into a brief dip in May, among other examples.
Back in the late 1970s, when I was in high school, there was someone on this comedy show who would spoof Julia Child's television programs. To " spoof" (spoof) means to make fun of.
回到 70 年代后期, 当还在上高中时,这个喜剧节目中有人会恶搞 Julia Child 的电视节目。 以“恶搞” (spoof)的意思取笑。