We were guarded by sentries against surprise attack.
我们由卫, 以免遭受突袭。
We posted sentries at the gates of the camp.
"A sentry give the challenge, who goes there?"
The sentry guard dived into his foxhole and closely observed the stranger towards him.
The sentry is on guard.
Objective To understand to engage housewifery middles womens mental health state after coming off sentry duty and obtains employment again.
Low is called the bench table, highly with city wall difference not many, but outside the prominent wall, all around has the crenel, is place which the patrol stands sentry.
低的叫墙台,高墙 相差不多但突出墙外,四周有垛口,是巡逻放的地方。
Post sentries at all the outlying villages. Put the lookouts on full alert.
Scarlett thanked him and followed the sentry.
" That was different. You were soldiers... sentries" .
" 那不一样,你们… … 守望者。"
" What's become of the sentries I posted" ?
" 我的岗哨呢?"
She did not enjoy killing a German sentry with her bare hands, but she was unsentimental.
They found about ten persons round the sentry, while about fifty or sixty came down with them.
" He'll freeze his balls off first, " another sentry said.
" 我看他会先冻掉自个儿的卵蛋。" 另一个哨兵接口。
No, but it might help against your sentry at the door.
不 只有助于对付门口你那位哨兵。
" Is Stannis fool enough to storm the castle" ? a sentry asked.
" 史坦尼斯会不会地直接攻城啊?" 一个哨兵问。
And indeed, the supposed sentry was rewarded with more grooming later on...
The cool orange juice stands like a sentry over the tableware.
Stand off ! said the sentry, and shouted aloud, Turn out, main guard!
I see my sentry at his post, he remarked, but no sign of a handkerchief.
I don't care, replied the sentry, if they touch me, I'll fire.
He has the determined look of a straight-backed sentry posted somewhere in the field, in the wilderness.
Matthew...I want you to organise sentry duty to keep an eye out for Kanen and his men.
Orders are clear: there can be no sentries left alive who may raise the alarm.
He even arranged for sentries to keep constant watch on the entrance to the defile.
他甚至安排了哨兵, 时刻守望着隘口。
Two Earthmen stood one on each side of the arch like sentries, or footmen.
To enter the hut Korak must either silence the sentry or pass him unnoticed.
要进入小屋, 科拉克必须要么让哨兵闭嘴, 要么不被注意地从他身边经过。