This union represents, through sensuous language, a supersensuous experience.
He guessed Pellerin to be unconscious of visual detail, but sensitive to the happy blending of sensuous impressions: to the intimate spell of lamplight on books, and of a deep chair placed where one could watch the fire.
他猜测 Pellerin 对视觉细节没有意识,但对感官印象的愉快融合很敏感:对书本上灯光的亲密咒语,以及放置在人们可以看火的地方的深椅子。
" Bah! that is because you are dilettantish and amateurish. If you were an artist, you would think of Mistress Second-Cousin as antique form animated by Christian sentiment — a sort of Christian Antigone — sensuous force controlled by spiritual passion" .
外行, 外行。如果你
艺术家, 你会认为二表姐
被基督教情感激发的古董形式——一种基督教的安提戈涅——被精神激情控制的感官力量” 。