The preys spectrum had certain selectivity,appulsive on the Lepidoptera especially the large-scale larva, appulsive on differentstand also.
These large improvements in efficiency, selectivity and production rates are very important because they will ensure that electrochemical reactions are competitive with fossil-fuel-powered ones which are already highly optimized.
这些效率、选择性和生产率的 巨大提升非常重要,因为它保证了因为它保证了电化学反能够和 已高度优化的化石燃料动力反竞争。不过啊,尼龙只是成千上万的化学品 所组成的汪洋大海中的一滴水。
While one system may conclude peer assessment retention rate, faculty resources, student selectivity, and financial resources, another system may lay its emphasis on the number of famous alumni, the student evaluation of professors and the evaluation of college students.