It is not the wise man, or the scribe, or those able to dispute and philosophise that God has called.
The Inca scribes (known as armantus) used the quipu (knotted ropes) to record and store information about the immense holdings of the vast Inca empire.
His priests were highly educated scribes, and his cult was loosely associated with the ruling class of ancient Egypt.
No, the main challenge for many of the 3,000 movers, shakers, scribes and gawkers, just getting here.
In other words, what he's talking about here is that these people are scribed in their lives.
This is the scenario about a hypothetical medical scribe named Jeff that we gave to our research participants.
这我们给研究参与者的一个关于假设出来的医疗记录员 Jeff 的场景。
" How can that be" ? she demanded through the scribe.
" 这怎么可能呢?" 她通译提问。
So the scribes changed English spelling so that the o u sound was spelt the same as in French.
抄写员改变了英语拼写,使 ou 音的拼写与法语相同。
Once the Library's scribes had duplicated the texts, they kept the originals and sent the copies back to the ships.
Scribe was incredibly popular, and so were his dramaturgical roll crew, Georges Feydeau and Victorien Sardou.
阿布的名气非常高 包括他的剧组成员乔治·费度和维克托里安·萨尔杜也很有名气。
And it was found written on the walls of an insane asylum by an anonymous scribe.
So it is surprising that America's energy revolution of the past few years has not had a serious scribe before now.
Scribe, who wrote nearly four hundred plays, definitely wasn't interested in making the theater all that life like.
阿布 一个抄写了近400部戏剧的家伙 他显然对这种“完全贴近生活”的戏剧不感兴趣。
The little scribe bowed. " As Your Grace commands. Shall I summon your bloodriders to guard you" ?
" 遵命,陛下。要不要传唤血盟卫?"
" Only Missandei" . The Naathi scribe moved closer to the bed. " This one heard you crying" .
" 弥桑黛。" 纳斯小文书走到床边," 小人听见您在哭。"
In " The Contendings, " Thoth acts as a scribe and writes down the events of the contest.
Yes. I hear you're quite the little scribe.
啊 我听说你个不错的小作家。
" On Naath there are butterflies, " the scribe responded in the Common Tongue. " More wine" ?
" 纳斯有很多蝴蝶," 小文书用通用语答道," 再添些酒?"
So what are you thinking Paul? Do you think I make a good a scribe?
By one of the baddest scribes ever to live, Langston Hughes.
Scribe, A scribe was a person whose job was to copy written works.
抄写员 抄写员的工作抄写书面作品。
Scribes earned a living for quite a while.