They threw away their advantage by their savagery to the black population.
I've been accused of having committed this savagery.
DiFronzo considers that culinary savagery. No, no, no. It's good.
He alone endured and prospered, matching the husky in strength, savagery, and cunning.
挺过来的只有他, 而且还变得强大了, 在力量、粗野和狡诈方面足以和爱斯基摩狗。
Ten minutes later they were crossing the frontier that separated civilization from savagery.
The war was fought with a savagery, with a brutality that was simply staggering.
And don't you think certain acts of savagery forfeit any sympathy for the perpetrators?
For holding meetings, crack open William Golding's " Lord of the Flies" (arguments descend into savagery).
Darkness awakens " the ancient horrors … the almost forgotten savagery upon which the town was founded."
黑肤唤醒了“古老的恐怖… … 几乎被遗忘的野蛮,而这座城市正是建立在这些野蛮之上的。”
His well-earned reputation for savagery preceded him on the streets.
He knew who this was, Fenrit Greyback, the werewolf who was permitted to wear Death Eater robes in return for his hired savagery.
他知道这是芬里尔? 格雷伯克,那个凭着自己的野性成为食徒的狼人。
Yet, they were fascinated by these objects and by the fashionable ideas about race and savagery that were projected onto them.
然而 他们却为这些东西以及其中影射出的关于种族和野蛮的时髦想法所着迷。
Many wondered if any one of the Firm was truly safe from the savagery of the twins.
French police described Wednesday's killings as an act of extreme savagery---four people shot dead in broad daylight in a popular tourist spot.
Both electrifying, funny and sobering, a film about comradery and animal savagery; we learn what it was like to be an ordinary soldier.
The fact that such animal savagery is backed up by one of society's keenest intellects is all the more terrifying.
It is an appalling savagery inflicted upon the civilian population in which rape and slavery and mutilation are the everyday weapons.
这是对平民百姓的骇人听闻的野蛮行径, 其中强奸、奴役和肢解是日常武器。
He seemed, indeed, to like football, but he played it with a brutal savagery which the other persons concerned naturally resented.
他似乎,的确,喜欢足球,但他踢球的方式很野蛮, 其他关人员自然会对此表示不满。
It was as though in some subtile way the girl had breathed a message of kindred savagery to their savage hearts.
What they'd learned in the trenches was that savagery and barbarism weren't external, to be found only in the colonies, but inside all of us.
他们在战壕里所学到的就是 野蛮暴虐并非外在的东西 只有在殖民地里才能找到 而是存在于我们每个人的内心。
The scene with Ally had left her stricken with shame at her own childish savagery.