In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.
在英国, 通常位王位继承人摄政。
Desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry of twelve metallohematoporphyrin complexes has been investigated under DEP condition using mixture of tetramethylsilane and methane as regent gas.
Mikhail, who would be the regent for Alexi.
米凯尔 他是亚力克西的摄政。
One of those " difficult birds" is the critically endangered regent honeyeater.
Regent hopes to get its off the ground or water by 2025.
College boards of trustees and regents need to direct their universities to tackle program
" ... so long as you name me regent as well as Hand and take yourself back to Casterly Rock" .
" … … 件是你指名我为摄政兼国之手,你自己返回凯岩城。"
There were plenty of female regents who ruled as guardians of child monarchs until they came of age.
For half a heartbeat Cersei could only stare at him. " I am the regent, " she reminded him.
半晌之间,瑟曦错愕地瞪着对方,何是好。" 我才是摄政。" 她提醒他。
One day, when Sushun and the Regents were doing their thing.
The Vrba-Wetzler report made its way to Allied capitals, the Vatican and the offices of Admiral Horthy, Hungary's regent.
The queen herself-- - The queen regent.
太后... -她只是摄政太后。
The queen regent has a great many responsibilities.
He sort of serves as god’s regent on earth and he doesn’t answer to any secular ruler.
" The Hand serves, " the young knight informed him airily. " The regent rules until the king is of age" .
" 御前首相专心服务," 年轻骑士轻描淡写地告他," 摄政太后统理国事,直到国成年为止。"
Understandably, the Spanish were none too pleased with Morgan's actions so under orders from queen regent Maria Anna.
It was afterwards adopted, with some variations, by the Duke of Orleans, at that time regent of France.
后来,它被当时的法国摄政奥尔良公爵采用, 并做了一些改动。
The other realm, Hungary, was nominally a monarchy but run by a regent (who, absurdly in a land-locked country, was styled admiral).
Rather than oh, sorry, my bad, Cixi instead declared that the Regents had disrespected the young emperor and act tantamount to treason.
Remembered in Death The dramatic chase for regent was the last major event Adelaide had to deal with before her death.
在死亡中被铭记 对摄政的戏剧性追逐是阿德莱德死前必须处理的最后一件大事。
She was then just so objectionable the Regents lost their tempers and started shouting at her which caused Zaichun to burst into tears.
Alexander's regent, Perdiccas, was put in charge, as was one of Alexander's generals, Antipater, who was supposed to govern alongside Craterus.
亚历山大的摄政佩迪卡斯被任命为负责人,亚历山大的一位将军安提帕特也是此, 他本应与克拉特鲁斯一起执政。