The time of follow –up was eighteen months.The scale of PANSS and SDSS were used.The rate of recurrence, rehospitalization and employment was researched.
Then a new algorithm of brivate vector -valued rational interpolants by means of complexification of the knots and backward three-term recurrence relations is given.
Prophylactic urethrectomy is also performed in patients at high risk for recurrence, and is usually advocated for men with TCC of the prostatic stroma.
The prognosis of malignant mixed tumor is poor due to local recurrence and distant metastasis in half of these patients via hemtogenous and lymphogenous spread-ings.
Oncotype DX is one of several gene-based tests that can tell doctors how likely the recurrence of the disease is, and it is most accurate in the early stages.
Friedrich Nietzsche talked about the concept of eternal recurrence, or eternal return, meaning all existence or energy in the universe has forever and will forever keep repeating itself ad infinitum.
Friedrich Nietzsche谈到了这个概念 永恒复发,或永恒回归,意味着宇宙中所有存在或能量 永远,永远不断重复身就是无限。
The banker was always presupposing that he could count in general on Lydgate as a coadjutor, but made no special recurrence to the coming decision between Tyke and Farebrother.