On my way out, I'll reactivate the cameras.
我出去时 会激活监控。
But nobody knows who's reactivated it in recent times.
The hope is that the old devices can be reactivated so they can be useful for a longer period.
" Unfortunately, we won't be able to reactivate it for any reason."
And I did suggest negotiations with South Africa about reactivating the Simonstown naval base.
North Korea has reactivated a telephone hotline with the South following Seoul's offer of high-level talks.
Then just before an ECT session they were shown one of the stories again to reactivate that particular memory.
Later on, if the immune system weakens, due to aging, stress, or immunosuppressive therapy, the virus can be reactivated.
We know that trees are just waiting for summer so they can reactivate.
Shingles occurs when the virus that caused the itchy nightmare of Chicken Pox reactivates.
当导致水痘发痒噩梦病毒重新激活时, 就会出现带状疱疹。
The judge said Acosta's pass must be reactivated to permit him to enter the White House for news conferences and other events.
Yes, unless somehow we reactivated the...
啊 除非我们不小心激活了。
That doesn't mean the virus is gone; it could still be lurking within cells, ready to reactivate if treatment stops.
I don't know what part, but something got reactivated, maybe.
The group was reactivated in the port city of Norfolk, Virginia on July 1.
该组织于 7 月 1 日在弗吉尼亚州港口城市诺福克重新启动。
Richardson will preside over the official ceremony to reactivate the fleet on August 24.
理查森将于 8 月 24 日主持重新启动舰队官方仪式。
Reactivate it or the next step's gonna be all mine.
给我重新激活要不然 下一步就轮到我了。
Until that point though patients can spread TB to others and typically adults with reactivated TB that are the most infectious.
Agent Delta has hacked into the control panel and managed to reactivate some of its functionality.
特工 Delta 侵入了控制面板并设法重新激活了它一些功能。
After the initial infection, the virus stays dormant in your nerves and can reactivate later in life as shingles.