Later period is OKer, attack goes up still is very powerful, PK, carbon, upgrade, it is brunt artillerist, also be main punching bag of course.
Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery to Harry, as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise --unless of course it involved punching somebody. Dudley's favorite punching bag was Harry, but he couldn't often catch him.
达力为什么想要一辆赛车,这对哈利来说,是一个谜,因为达力胖乎乎的,而且讨厌锻炼—— 当然,除非这种锻炼包括拳脚相加。他最喜欢的拳击吊球就是哈利,可他并不是经常能抓住他。
D'oh! first appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2002, but it was first heard on a 1988 episode of the Tracey Ullman TV show featuring an early version of the Simpsons, with Homer being knocked out by a punching bag.
D'oh这个感叹词首次出现在牛津字典里面是在2002年。但是是在1988年首次出现在Tracey Ullman的电视节目里,这是Simpsons最早的版本,剧情中Homer被吊袋撞晕了。