In earlier day,the church proscribe dancing and card play.
This unfortunate reality, we are told, explains the constant bloodshed in the cradle of human civilization. However, the truth is that leaders created the region's current problems at a specific time, and unique circumstances proscribed the decisions.
" No matter, " said Homais. " I am surprised that in our days, in this century of enlightenment, anyone should still persist in proscribing an intellectual relaxation that is inoffensive, moralising, and sometimes even hygienic; is it not, doctor" ?
" 没关系!" 奥默说, " 我觉得奇怪的是,到了今天,到了一个光明的世纪,既然可以读《圣经》,为什么要禁止看放松神的戏剧,禁止读无害而有益健康的文学、读警恶扬善的文学呢? 博士,你说呢?"