| 划词

The boy is prodding the animal with a needle.




mountainite, mountain-making, mountainous, mountainousness, mountains, mountainside, mountaintop, mountainward, mountainy, Mountbatten, mountebank, mountebankery, mounted, mounter, Mountie, mounting, mountings, Mounty, mourite, mourn, Mourne, mourner, mournful, mournfully, mourning, mourning dove, mourning-band, mourningborder, mourningcard, mourningcoach, mourning-coach, mourningpaper, mourningring, mourning-ring, mournite, mourolite, mousaka, mouse, mouse button, mouse deer, mouse mat, mouse pad, mouse trap, mousebane, mousebird, mouse-coloured, mousedun, mouse-ear, mouseearcress, mousehole, mouselet, mousepox, mouseproof, mouser, mousery, mousetail, mousetrap, mousey, mousie, mousiness, mousing, mousing-hook, mousquet, mousquetaire, moussaka, mousse, mousseline, mousseux, moustache, moustachio, mousy, moutan, mouth, mouth off, mouth organ, mouth part, mouth piece, mouth wash, mouthbreeder, mouthbrooder, mouthed, mouther, mouthfeel, mouth-filling, mouthful, mouthiness, mouthing, mouthless, mouth-open, mouthorgan, mouth-organ, mouthpart, mouthparts, mouthpiece, mouthroot, mouthrot, mouth-spray, mouth-to-mouth, mouthwash, mouthwatering, mouth-watering, mouthy, mouton, movability, movable, movables, movablestand, movably, move, move about, move away, move back, move in on, move into, move on, move over, moveable, moved, move-in, moveless, movelist, moveman, movement, movements, movementtray, mover, mover and shaker, movers, moveut, movie, movie camera, movie house, movie projector, movie star, movie theater, movie theatre, moviedom, moviegoer, movieish, movieland, movie-land, moviemaker, movieola, movie-operator, movie-plex, movies, Movietone, moving, moving picture, moving staircase, moving-cable, movingconductor, moving-iron, movingly, moving-magnet, moviola, movyl, mow, mowburnt, mow-drying, mowe, mowed, mower, mower-crusher, mower-shredder, mowing, mowing-apparatus, mowing-drive, mown, mowrah, mowrin, MOWS, MOX, moxa, moxa-preparation, moxaprindine, moxastine, moxaverine, moxestrol, moxibustion, moxicoumone, moxie, moxifensine, moxisylyte, moxosphyra, moya, moyamoya, moyite, moyle, Moynihan, Mozambican, mozambikite, Mozambique, Mozambique Channel, Mozanol, Mozarab, mozarella, Mozart, mozetta, mozzarella, mozzetta, MP, MP3, MPA, MPAA, MPAs, MPC, MPD, MPDC, MPE, MPEG, MPF, mpg, MPGF, mph, MPhil, mphps, MPI, MPIF, MPIS, MPK, MPL, mpla, MPlayer, MPLS, MPM, MPN, MPO, MPOB, MPOSS, MPP, MPPL, Mpps, MPR, MPS, MPT, MPTY, MPU, MPV, MPWS, mq, mqorality, M-quenching, Mr, Mr., Mr.Cool, Mr.Right, MRA, mrad, mrapp, MRAS, MRBM, MRC, MRCA, MRCP, MRCS, MRD, MRE, M-region, MRep, MRF, MRI, mridang, mridanga, mridangam, MRK, MRL, MRM, mRNA, mRNP, MRO, MRP, MRPII, Mrs, Mrs., MRSA, MRSCON, MRSI, MRSS, MRT, MRTV, MRU, MRV, ms, Ms., MSA, MSAC, MSAE, MSAM, MSAT, msb, MSBA, MSBC, MSBlast, MSBR, MSBs, MSC, MSCD, MSCDEX, MSCE, MSCI, MSCOMM, Msconfig, MSCP, MSD, MSDE, MSDEV, MSDN, MS-DOS, MSDS, MSE, msec, MSEE, MSEL, MSEM, MSF, MSFM, MSG, Msgbox, Msger, MSGM, MsgQ, msgs, MSH, MSHA, MSHE, MSHERC, mshome, MSI, MSIA, MSIC, MSID, MSIE, m'sieur, MSIL, MSIS, MSJ, MSK, Mskogee, MSL, MSLS, MSM, MSME, MSMQ, MS-MS, MSN, MSNBC, MSO, MSOH, MSP, M-space, MSPE, MSPH, MSPHE, MSPS, MSR, MSRP, MSS, MSSE, MSSS, MST, MSTA, MsTh, MSTS, MSU, MSV, MSVC, MSW, MS-WORD, MSY, MT, mt., MTA, MTAC, MTAE, MTB, MTBA, MTBE, MTBF, MTBO, MTC, MTCN, MTCU, MTD, MTE, mterclavicle, MTF, MTG, MTH, MTHFR, MTI, MTIE, MTIRA, MTK, mtl, MTM, MTNS, MTO, mtoe, Mton, MTR, MTRE, MTRS, MTS, MTSS, MTT, MTTA, MTTC, MTTD, MTTF, MTTFF, MTTR, MTTS, MTU, MTV, MTX, mu, mu&4&nchen, muaf, mucago, mucase, mucco, mucedin, Mucedinaceae, mucedine, mucedinous, much, much as, much less, muchacha, muchacho, muchematein, muchly, muchness, Much'uang, mucic, mucic acid, mucicarmine, mucid, mucidin, muciferous, mucific, mucification, muciform, mucigen, mucigenous, mucigogue, mucilage, mucilaginous, mucilago, mucin, mucinaemia, mucinase, mucinemia, mucinoblast, mucinogen, mucinoid, mucinolytic, mucinosis, mucinous, mucins, mucinuria, muciparcus, muciparous, mucisol, mucitis, muck, muck about, muckamuck, muckbar, mucker, muckerism, mucket, muck-fork, muckheap, muckhill, mucking, muckite, muckland, muckle, muckrake, muckraker, muckraking, muck-spreader, mucksweat, mucktrain, muckworm, mucky, mucoantibody, mucocartilage, mucocele, mucocellulose, mucociliary, mucoclasis, mucocolpos, mucocutaneous, mucocyst, mucocyte, muco-enteritis, mucofilin, mucoglobulin, mucohemorrhagic, mucoid, mucoidal, mucoidprotein, mucoitin, mucolemma, mucolysine, mucolysis, mucolytic, mucomembranous, mucomycin, mucomyst, muconate, muconolactone, muconomycin, mucopeptide, mucoperichondrium, mucoperiosteum, mucopolyasccharidosis, mucopolysaccharidase, mucopolysaccharide, mucopolysaccharidosis, mucopolysacchariduria, mucopolysaeccharide, mucoproteid, mucoprotein, mucopurulent, mucopus, mucor, Mucoraceae, mucoraceous, Mucorales, mucoriferous, mucorin, Mucorineae, Mucorini, mucormycosis, mucorrhea, mucosa, mucosae, mucosal, mucosanguineous, mucose, mucosectomy, mucoserous, mucosin, mucositis, mucosity, mucotab, mucous, mucous colitis, mucous membrane, mucoviscidosis, mucro, mucronate, mucronated, mucrones, mucronulate, mucuadinine, muculant, muculent, Mucuna, mucunine, mucus, mud, Muda, mud-apron, mudar, mudarol, mudbank, mudcap, mudcat, mudder, muddily, muddiness, mudding, muddle, muddle along, muddled, muddledom, muddlehead, muddleheaded, muddle-headed, muddler, muddy, muderer, mudfat, mudfish, mudflap, mudflat, mudflow, mudgrass, mudguard, mudhole, mudir, mudjack, mudjacking, mudlark, mudlegs, mudlifter, mudline, mudlump, mudmat, mudpack, Mudplantain, mudra, mudroom, mudsill, mudskipper, mudslide, mudslinger, mud-slinger, mudslinging, mudspate, mud-star, mudstone, mudsucker, muduserone, mudwort, Muenster, muesli, muezzin, muf, mu-factor, mufangchine, muff, muff-diving, muffed, muffer, muffetee, muffin, muffinbell, muffineer, muffinman, muffin-man, muffle, muffled, muffler, mufflers, muffling, mufti, mug, Mugabe, mugearite, Mugen, mugful, mugg, muggee, mugger, muggiaea, mugginess, mugging, muggins, muggle, muggler, muggles, Muggletonian, muggur, muggy, mughal, mugho, mughouse, mughul, mugient, Mugilidae, Mugiloidei, mugman, mugs, mugshot, mug-up, mugwort, mugwump, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali, Muhammadan, Muharram, muhtar, MUI, muiclage-pore, muirapauma, muirapuamine, muirite, mujahedeen, mujahedin, mujahideen, mujahidin, mujik, Mukalla, Mukden, mukhtar, mukluk, muktab, muktuk, Mukuzani, mulagenize, mular, mulatta, mulatto, mulattress, mulberrin, mulberrochromene, mulberry, mulch, mulcher, mulching, mulching-machine, mulct, mulde, muldex, mule, muledeer, mule-foot, muleta, muleteer, muley, mulffler, Mulhouse, muliebral, muliebria, muliebrity, mulierty, muliple-core, mulish, Mulki, mull, mull over, mulla, mullah, mullanite, mullarkey, mull-dressing, mulled, mulled wine, mullein, mullen, muller, Mullerian, mullerianoma, mullerite, mullet, mullet-headed, mulley, mullid, Mullidae, mulligan, mulligatawny, mulligrubs, Mulliken, mulling, mullion, mullioned, mullite, mullitization, mullock, mullocker, mullocking, Mulloidichthys, mulloway, mulls, Mullus, mulmul, mulriple, mulser, Multan, multangular, multangulum, multeity, multhiomycin, multi, multi-, multiaccelerator, multiaccess, multi-access, multi-activity, multiadapter, multiaddress, multiaddressing, multiagent, multi-amplifier, multianalysis, multi-analysis, multi-anemometer, multiangular, multianode, multiaperture, multi-apertured, multiar, multi-arch, multiarticulate, multiaspect, multi-aspect, multiattribute, multiaxial, multibaculate, multiband, multibank, multibarrel, multibarrier, multibatches, multibeacon, multi-beam, multibearing, multibiade, multibilayer, multibillion, multiblasting, multibrachiate, multi-branch, multibranding, multibreak, multibucket, multibulb, multiburst, multibus, multibyte, multicamerate, multicapsular, multicapt, multicarbide, multicarriertransmitter, multicast, multicasting, multicathode, multicavity, multicavitytray, multicell, multicellular, multicenter, multicentered,


3G, 401(K), a,


TED演讲(音频版) 2015年5月合集

We push and pull and poke and prod things.



He gave the contents of the Pensieve a small prod with the end of his wand.



Some colleges are providing it, prodded by the federal government.



Hundreds of tiny figures are prodding me with miniature spears.



This work of art is prodding at the awkward underbelly of Greek culture.



The industry hopes that governments will be prodded into action by the sudden expiry of so many seamen's contracts.



He prodded moodily at the lumps of charred gray fish on his plate.



It was only a painful accident that prodded scientists to reconsider this view.


NPR音讯 2019年8月合集

Recently, U.S. officials have prodded America's allies to mend fences.



At this point, Grace became visibly distressed, and she prodded the body, and she vocalized.



The reform package also included rules that prod the unemployed into seeking, and accepting, work.



Frowning slightly, he prodded the thoughts within the basin with the tip of his wand.


AP 听力 2023年7月合集

They're prodding private companies to do more to bolster clean energy in developing countries.



Then one brave little first-year darted up to her and prodded her backside with his big toe.



He turned away, lightning lamps with prods of his wand, not looking at any of them.



" Come on, hurry." growled Moody, prodding Harry in the back.


Crash Course 解剖生理学篇

BUT! Partial pressures are only part of what's prodding your hemoglobin to give up the goods.



It's all right, he's still alive, said Hermione, prodding Errol gently with the tip of herfinger.



Mr Cameron wants to prod posh schools to help raise standards by opening their own state-funded academies.



He was looking at her closely through his half-moon spectacles, his long fingers gently prodding and poking.




multioperation, multi-orifice, multioutlet, MULTIPAC, multipack, multipacket, multipacting, multipactor, multipad, multipage, multi-panel, multipara, multiparasitism, multiparasitization, multiparity, multiparous, multipart, multipartial, multipartism, multipartite, multiparty, multipass, multipath, multipaths, multiped, multiphase, multiphaser, multiphotocoupler, multiphoton, multiplane, multi-planer, multiplate, Multiplayer, multiple, multiple choice, multiple correlation, multiple myeloma, multiple personality, multiple regression, multiple sclerosis, multiple service, multiple-blade, multiple-bridge, multiple-choice, multiple-connection, multiple-contact, multipled, multiple-deck, multiple-die, multiple-disc, multiplediscbrake, multiple-drilling, multiple-film, multiple-grid, multiple-lift, multiple-machine-head, multiple-motor, multiple-on-line, multiple-order, multiple-party, multiple-pathcoupler, multiple-pin, multiple-pin-hole, multiple-plate, multiplepoinding, multiple-point, multiple-pressing, multiple-programming, multiple-roll, multiple-roots, multiple-rotor, multiple-row, multiples, multiple-scale, multiple-sintering, multiple-stage, multiplestand, multiple-start, multiple-step, multiple-story, multiple-surface, multiple-switch, multiple-switch-board, multiplet, multipletempering, multipletintensityrule, multiple-tooling, multiple-trait, multipletransmitter, multiplets, multipletwin, multiplex, multiplexed, multiplexer, multiplexer-filter, multiplexing, multiplexor, multiplextransmitter, multipliable, multiplicable, multiplicand, multiplicate, multiplication, multiplicative, multiplicative inverse, multiplicator, multiplicatrix, multiplicity, multiplier, multiploid, multiplow, multiply, multi-ply, multiply-plywood, multipoint, multi-point-scanner, multipolar, multipolarity, multipole, multipolymer, multiporous, multiport, multiposition, multipotency, multipotent, multipotential, multiprecision, multiprinter, multipriority, multiprobe, multiprocess, multiprocessing, multiprocessor, multiproduction, multiprogram, multiprograming, multiprogrammability, multiprogramming, multipronged, multipropellant, multiprotocol, multipunch, multipurpose, multi-purpose, multiqueue, multiracial, multiracialism, multiradiate, multiramose, multirange, multi-reel, multireflectiontechnique, multireflector, multireflex, multiregion, multirelation, multireplicon, multiresistant, multiresolution, multirole, multirotation, multirow, multirun, multirunning, multisaccate, multi-salting, multi-scale, multiscaler, multiscreen, multiseater, multisection, multiselector, multisense, multisensibility, multisensory, multisequencing, multiserial, multiseriate, multiserver, multiset, multishift, multishock, multishotfiring, multi-skilling, multislab, multislacking, multislectrode, multisocket, multi-span, multispecimen, multispectral, multispeed, multispiral, multistability, multistable, multistage, multistage-separation, multistaging, multistate, multistation, multistep, multistorey, multi-storied, multistory, multi-story, multistrandedness, multistratum, multistreaming, multistudio, multiswitch, multisyllabic, multisyllable, multisynthetic, multisystem, multitap, multitask, multitasking, multiterminal, Multitest, multitester, multithread, multithreading, multitone, multitool, multitrack, multitrade, multitron, multitube, Multituberculata, multituberculate, multitubular, multitude, multitudes of, multitudinal, multitudinism, multitudinous, multiturn, multitwister, multi-unit, multi-use, multiuser, multi-user, multivalence, multivalent, multivallate, multivalued, multivalve, multivariable, multivariant, multivariate, multivariate analysis, multivator, multivector, multivelocity, multiverse, multiversity, multivertex, multivertor, multivibrator, multiviewports, multivitamin, multivocal, multivoltine, multivoltmeter, multivolume, multivolumed, multivor, multiwall, multiwallkraft, multiwave, multiway, multiwaytype, multiwheel, multiwheeler, multi-wheeler, multiwindow, multiwire, multiword, multizonate, multizone, multocular, multure, mum, muma, mu-mapping, Mumbai, mumble, mumbled, mumbler, mumbles, mumbletypeg, mumblingly, mumbo jumbo, mumbo-jumbo, mumchance, mumeson, mu-meson, mumetal, mu-metal, mu-metron, mumia, mumm, mummer, Mummerset, mummery, mummichog, mummied, mummification, mummified, mummiform, mummify, mumming, mummy, mummying, mump, mumpish, mumps, mumu, Mun, munch, Munchausen, Munchausen syndrome, münchen, munchies, munchkin, Munda, mundane, mundic, mundify, mundle, mundu, mundulone, mundungus, munetone, mung, munga, Mungarian, mungbean, mungo, muni, munication, Munich, Munichism, municipal, municipal bond, municipal government, municipalise, municipalism, municipalist, municipality, municipalization, municipalize, municipally, municipalundertaking, municipio, munificence, munificent, muniment, muniments, muningin, munis, munition, munitioneer, munitioner, munitionment, munitions, munity, munjack, munjistin, munnion, munsell, munsif, Munster, munt, muntin, munting, muntjac, muntjak, Muntz, Muntz metal, muon, muonic, muonium, mu-operator, MUP, mupirocin, MUPO, Muppet, murage, mural, muralist, murals, murambite, muramidase, muramyldipeptide, Murbetex, Murbetol, Murchisoniacea, Murcott, murdabad, murder, murder mystery, murderee, murderer, murderess, Murderian, murderous, Murdoch, murdochite, mure, murein, Mures, murex, murexan, murexide, Murfotox, muri, muriacite, muriate, muriatic, muriatic acid, muricate, muricated, muricatin, murices, Muricidae, muriculate, murid, Muridae, Muriel,


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