Attractive and 'Pilfer-Proof' - A stapled box leaves a clear, unmarred surface;no part of the box is obscured (especially print) and the box achieves its function as a messenger.
The roof beams Changazi pilfered were never recovered, and Mortenson returned to Skardu, where he and Parvi supervised the purchase and construction of wood beams strong enough to support the snows that mummified Korphe throughout deepest winter.
Changazi 走的屋顶横梁再也没有找回,Mortenson 回到斯卡都,他和 Parvi 在那里监督购买和建造足够坚固的木梁,以支撑在最深的冬天将 Korphe 木乃伊化的积雪。
'Mad? Not She, Child; She is only wicked. She is a Gypsy, a sort of Vagabond, whose sole occupation is to run about the country telling lyes, and pilfering from those who come by their money honestly. Out upon such Vermin!