Yang Hongqiong, China's para cross-country skier who clinched the women's long distance sitting gold at the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics, said sports have changed her life forever and made her a stronger person.
So a lot of times it's something like, I might notice that accommodation's not being met because I maybe have a para in that class who's noticing the teacher's not doing it.
And you try to get all these new people settled in and I'm gonna lead PDs, you know, professional developments for the paras and we're gonna have a great little family down here.
They were so hands off and so just, we would email and email and ask for admin help with, you know, some pretty severe para issues we were having, and like no one would respond.
We were getting about 14 new students, all boys, and we needed to hire about 10 or 12 paras and I needed two new co-teachers and I was going to be one of two returning people in the program.