Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness.
Still, despite brotherhood's strong starring cast, the actors can't hide the paleness of plotline.
A paleness overspread her face.
Her paleness turned to a fugitive flush.
Her face, with red marks across its paleness, was turned towards Bond.
她脸色苍白, 上面有红色标记, 她转向邦德。
Mr. Bulstrode's usual paleness had in fact taken an almost deathly hue.
The unhappy man then noticed from the paleness of the lamplight that the dawn was beginning to appear.
She had just begun when Amaranta noticed that Remedios the Beauty was covered all over by an intense paleness.
I do not think that I have ever seen such deadly paleness in a woman's face.
'He has likewise attempted, sir, to murder the female servant, ' said Mr. Bumble, with a face of ashy paleness.
“先生,他同样企图谋杀女仆, ” 班布尔先生说, 脸色苍白。
Trembling and bewildered, she held me fast, but the horror gradually passed from her countenance; its paleness gave place to a glow of shame.
Its paleness made it slightly luminous even on so dark a night; and against its ghostly shimmer he saw the man again.
即使在这样漆黑夜晚, 它苍白也使它微微发亮。 在它幽灵般微光下, 他又看见了那个人。
But as night came, the girl's nervous excitement increased and even Sikes was alarmed by the paleness in her cheeks and the fire in her eye.
The features are all gone: there is only the paleness of them left.
Her flush had died away almost to paleness; she had the timidity of a luxurious pleasure-seeking nature, which shrinks from the hint of pain.
He had that withered sort of paleness which will sometimes come on young faces, and his hand was very cold when she shook it.
他有那种有时会出现在年轻人脸上枯萎苍白, 当她握手时, 他手非常冰冷。
Her face had become of a deathlier paleness, her lips trembled, and she pressed her hands helplessly on the hands that lay under them.
Then arose a slim, melancholy girl, whose face had the " interesting" paleness that comes of pills and indigestion, and read a " poem."
然后站了起来, 一个苗条、忧郁女孩, 她脸因服药和消化不良而呈现出“有趣”苍白,她正在读一首“诗” 。
I could not forget his look and his paleness when he whispered: " Jane, I have got a blow—I have got a blow, Jane" .
In his blue rags, a blue of all colors from indigo to turquoise and then to the paleness of a milky sky, he fits the landscape.
从靛蓝色到绿松石色, 再到乳白色天空苍白, 是各种颜色蓝色, 与风景相得益彰。
It was growing dark under the branches of the magnolia, and everything seemed dim and indistinct; but there was light enough to show the ghastly paleness of Montanelli's face.
He made pitiful efforts to appear gay, pleasant, talkative, but it was enough to see his sweat and paleness to know that his heart was not in it.
他费了九牛二虎之力, 装出快活、愉快、健谈样子, 但只要看到他汗水和苍白, 就足以知道他心不在其中。
There is a paleness always on the mountain at full moon; but I need not assure you that neither Perrault or any other man has ever climbed there.