Though Mr Continetti is no Democrat, his faction—the bookish writers who once staffed the now-defunct Weekly Standard—has been largely ostracised from the modern Republican Party.
Centuries ago, English, which seems undogmatic, itself experienced the " inkhorn controversy" , in which some intellectuals freely coined words from Greek and Latin, such as " educate" and " ostracise" .
Being outed as gay (the effective result of the man's home town and workplace becoming public knowledge in the process of contact-tracing) can lead to people being fired from their jobs and ostracised by friends, family and neighbours.
As Philip Graves says: " There is a balance to strike between the extent to which we can feather our own nest, so to speak, and the risk of being ostracised by the group" .
正 Philip Graves 所说:“可以说, 们可以自己的巢穴中占上风的程度与被群体排斥的风险之间取得平衡” 。