Naruto Uzumaki is a teenage ninja who has the Nine Tails fox, Kyubi, inside.
You didn't know that I'm a ninja.
Wait, Stan. There were ninja bankers? That's amazing!
等等,斯坦。有" 忍者银行家" ?那太神奇了!
Well, my firm offers NINJA loans.
我公司提供" 忍者" 贷款。
Ooh. Uh, maybe they're, uh, ninja turtles. -You're not funny.
This young cyber ninja as he calls himself, he likes to hack.
这个年轻人自称为" 网络忍者" ,他喜欢入侵网络。
" A ninja understands that invisibility is a matter of patience and agility."
When it binds, Cas9 ninja chops the double-stranded DNA near a PAM.
There's a female Ninja skin in the game that's pretty dope.
Or banks pushing NINJA loans, so more and more people got into the act.
或者也抵不过银行" 忍者贷款" ,于是越来越多人加入到这个行列中来。
In the 19th century, ninja became popular figures in art, literature and early manga.
You've been sneaking out while I've been asleep? What are you, ninja plumber?
Do I get the tweety bird with gumball eyes or the ninja turtle with gumball eyes?
The first ninja appeared in the 15th century when they helped warlords win land and get more power.
And that's why l called her last night, told her l was sick, like a ninja. - Dude.
Since this is reality and there's no such thing as werewolves or combat turtles. -I said, " Ninja turtle."
这是在现实,所以没有狼人或是战斗神龟这些东西。-我说是," 忍者神龟。"
(Orange groaning) Thank you. You are not a trained ninja.
[Orange] And today Oza Mac wants to know how to be a ninja.
- [橙色] 今天 Oza Mac 想知道如何成为一名忍者。
Ha! Probably go all vamp ninja on them.
I don't want to be a ninja; I want to be a cat burglar.
我不想当忍者 人家想当飞贼。