So it emits phased muon particles.
Neutrinos come in three flavors, called electron, muon and tau.
A muon is one of the so-called elementary particles, one with no smaller parts.
Theory said that a muon neutrino could almost instantly change into an electron neutrino.
When they do, they create particles that are smaller than atoms, such as neutrons and muons.
See, there are three different kinds or flavors of neutrinos: electron neutrinos, tau neutrinos, and muon neutrinos.
These may be an electron and its antimatter equivalent, a positron, or two heavier leptons, a muon and an antimuon.
The same was found for electrons, which have heavier siblings called the muon and the tau.
电子也有同样的,们有更重的兄弟姐妹, 称为 μ 介子和 tau。
Four years later, also using a cloud chamber, he discovered the muon, again in cosmic rays.
四年后,同样使用云室, 他又在宇宙射线中了介子。
This would act more strongly on muons than it does on electrons.
这对 μ 子的作用比对电子的作用更强。
We measure the difference between the spin direction and the direction the muons were going.
我们测量自旋方向和 μ 子行进方向之间的差异。
Next they bathe those ions in laser light, hoping to bump the muons up to a higher-energy but unstable state.
接下来, 他们将这些离子沐浴在激光中,希望将 μ 子提升到更高能量但不稳定的状态。
Okay. Get this. " Professor Jones told the symposium he had a new method " for calculating the mass of a muon.
According to the accepted rules of particle physics, such decays should yield as many muons as they do electrons.
根据公认的粒子物理规则,这种衰变应该产与产电子一样多的 μ 子。
Scientists used muons, a by-product of the cosmic rays constantly raining down on our planet, to image the interior of the pyramid.
Instead, Dr Patel's team found that only 85 muons were emitted for every 100 electrons.
相反,帕特尔博士的团队每 100 个电子只射 85 个 μ 子。
Measurements of weak interactions found that there are different kinds of neutrinos associated with the electron, muon, and tau.
弱相互作用的测量, 有不同种类的中微子与电子、μ 子和 tau 相关。
Now the muon is an unstable particle.
在 μ 子是一个不稳定的粒子。
The muons last for only two microseconds.
We record the products of the muon decays when they spin around like that.
我们记录了 μ 子像那样旋转时衰变的产物。