1.The rich peasants answered mockingly.
10.Those close to Mr Trump argue that " Operation Wetback" —Dwight Eisenhower's mockingly named policy in the 1950s which expelled thousands of undocumented Mexicans—shows mass deportations can work without ill effect.
特朗普的亲信认为,“湿背行动”——德怀特·艾森豪威尔 20 世纪 50 年代提出的一项具有讽刺意味的政策,驱逐了数千名非法移民——表明大规模驱逐出境可以发挥作用而不会产生不良影响。机翻
18.The face was unchanged, after under its surface the depth of the thousandfoldness had closed up again, he smiled silently, smiled quietly and softly, perhaps very benevolently, perhaps very mockingly, precisely as he used to smile, the exalted one.