| 划词

1.The rich peasants answered mockingly.




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时代周刊 (Time)

1.These advisers-" the so-called experts, " Trump mockingly labeled them-had all been proven wrong, he said.


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2." Perhaps he's got a girl waiting for him, " I replied mockingly.



3.Instead, she said mockingly, " Where are you? I can't see you at all."


Warriors 01

4." You've killed me." The apprentice gasped mockingly, and rolled feebly onto his back.


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5.'I can understand that it is something of a blow to your vanity, ' he returned mockingly.


Fresh Air

6.That's why the meaner employees at the Regency Grand mockingly call her names like Roomba the robot.

这就是为什么摄政大酒店那些卑鄙的员工会嘲笑她,就像机器人 Roomba 一样。机翻

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Warriors 01

7.One or two congratulated Firepaw on being chosen as Bluestar's apprentice; others mockingly wished him luck looking after Yellowfang.


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Life Noggin

8.(Mockingly) " Ah well seatbelts can trap you in your car after a crash." Well, while that technically can happen, it's very uncommon.


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9.But he died four years later, fearing that his sprawling work would never be published (the authorities had said mockingly that it might happen in 200 years).


经济学人 Finance and economics

10.Those close to Mr Trump argue that " Operation Wetback" —Dwight Eisenhower's mockingly named policy in the 1950s which expelled thousands of undocumented Mexicans—shows mass deportations can work without ill effect.

特朗普的亲信认为,“湿背行动”——德怀特·艾森豪威尔 20 世纪 50 年代提出的一项具有讽刺意味的政策,驱逐了数千名非法移民——表明大规模驱逐出境可以发挥作用而不会产生不良影响。机翻

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The Water Outlaws - S. L. Huang

11." We were told you were a master arms instructor before you were a traitor, " added the other mockingly, the one called Xue Ba. " What lies. Can't even keep up."


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12.' she cried mockingly, 'you would fetch your dearest, but the beautiful bird sits no longer singing in the nest; the cat has got it, and will scratch out your eyes as well.

” 她嘲弄地叫道会把最亲爱的回来,但是这只美丽的鸟儿不再坐鸟巢里唱歌了;猫已经感染了它, 它也会抓伤的眼睛。机翻


13.There was nothing left for him, except to annihilate himself, except to smash the failure into which he had shaped his life, to throw it away, before the feet of mockingly laughing gods.


Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future

14.Within SpaceX, Blue Origin is mockingly referred to as BO and at one point the company created an e-mail filter to detect messages with " blue" and " origin" to block the poaching.

SpaceX内部, 蓝色起源被嘲讽地称为BO, 该公司曾一度创建了一个电子邮件过滤器来检测有" 蓝色" 和" 来源" 的消息, 以阻止偷猎。机翻

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Level 8 08.Spotlight

15." You two are awfully curious about opera for people who can't stand it." " Oh, we're just trying to keep up with your latest activity, " Brian said in a mockingly cheerful voice.

们两个对于那些无法忍受的人来说,对歌剧非常好奇。” “哦,我们只是想跟上的最新活动,”布莱恩用一种嘲讽的欢快的声音说道。

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16.Elena tried to keep near Bersenyev; she was not afraid of him, though he even knew part of her secret; she was safe under his wing from Shubin, who still persisted in staring at her—not mockingly but attentively.

Elena 试图靠近 Bersenyev。她并不怕他,尽管他甚至道她的部分秘密。她舒宾的保护下很安全,舒宾仍然坚持盯着她看——不是嘲笑,而是专注。机翻

The Common Reader Volume 1 26 Essays on Jane Austen, George Eliot, Conrad, Montaigne and Others

17.To these questions the chorus makes no reply, or replies mockingly, or speaks darkly as if the straitness of the dramatic form had tempted Euripides to violate it, in order to relieve his mind of its weight.


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18.The face was unchanged, after under its surface the depth of the thousandfoldness had closed up again, he smiled silently, smiled quietly and softly, perhaps very benevolently, perhaps very mockingly, precisely as he used to smile, the exalted one.




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