Your tantrum was classic misdirection-- a tactic you've been wielding since childhood.
Brignull identifies 12 types of common dark patterns, ranging from misdirection and hidden costs to roach motel, where user experience seems easy and intuitive at the start, but turns difficult when the user tries to get out.
Brignull identifies 12 types of common dark patterns, ranging from misdirection and hidden costs to roach motel, where a user experience seems easy and intuitive at the start, but turns difficult when the user tries to get out.
Brignull 识别了 12 种常见的黑暗模式,从误和隐藏成本到蟑螂汽车旅馆,用户体验一开始似乎简单
Sergio says, " Couldn't you see that it was just misdirection? " " Misdirection" is distracting someone, making him or her focus on something else so while they're looking over there, you're doing something over here.
Sergio 说, “难道你看不出那只是误吗? ” “误
” 是指分散某人的注意力,让他或她专注于其他事情, 所以当他们看那边的时候, 你却在这边做某事。