Today the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs; and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove.
Still the young Italian's eye turned sidelong upward; and it really seemed as if the touch of genuine, though slight and almost playful, emotion communicated a juicier sweetness to the dry, mechanical process of his minstrelsy.
You may need to explain to the student that a " hawthorn" is a tree; " crop" is another word for throat; " quoth" is another word for said; " minstrelsy" is singing; and " to abhor" means to hate.
你可能需要向学生解释" hawthorn" 是一棵树;" crop" 是喉咙的另一个词;" quoth" 是说的另一个词;" minstrelsy" 是唱歌;" to abhor" 意味着憎恨。