After such a wide experience in reading, he has the proper experiential basis for knowing what are mildness, mellowness, strength, power, brilliance, pungency, delicacy, and charm.
The first rule of a student of literature is to learn to sample different flavours. The best flavour is mildness and mellowness, but is most difficult for a writer to attain.
" Bless your sweet face, my pet, " she said, the mother's strong love filling her keen eyes with mildness, as Totty leaned forward and put out her arms.
Between mildness and mere flatness there is only a very thin margin.A writer whose thoughts lack depth and originality may try to write a simple style and end up by being insipid.
Things like generosity and courage and friendliness and mildness, and he wants us to practice them every day so that we not only have them, we have them in the exact right amount.