The feasibility of inner crack intercritieal heat treatmemt in hypoeutectoid steel was analysed in detail by metallurgical principle.
However, the researchers estimate that, besides the green benefits accruing, the initial investment would be repaid in 22 months by the elimination of expensive metallurgical coke from the process, and from selling any oxygen that was surplus to requirements.
然而,研究人员计,除了产生的绿色效益外,初始投资将在 22 个月内通过从
The metallurgical skills, inks, and presses of 1700 B.C.Crete were more primitive than those of A.D.1455 Germany, so the disk had to be punched by hand rather than by cast movable type locked into a metal frame, inked, and pressed.
公元前 1700 年克里特岛的冶金技术、墨水和印刷机比公元 1455 年德国的冶金技术、墨水和印刷机更为原始,因此磁盘必须用手冲压,而不是通过锁定在金属框架中的铸造活字印刷、上墨和压制。